Be The Change
We must practice what we preach. If seeking to bring change to the world, we must first bring that change within ourselves. It is easy to get caught up in the madness that is around us, but we must control our response.
Let #MTWABP! be your reminder to be the change. Represent with this symbol of positivity. "Be the change you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi
Times get tough. Be tougher. Giving up is the easy route, but remember a lot of good things come with effort tied in to them. Being positive in a time of challenge takes courage.
Always remember that as long as there is hope, there is possibility.
Being Authentic
Do not be altruistic only because it is cool or nice. Be authentic. Care about bringing change because you really care. Don't do it because I am asking you, don't do it because your parents or significant other want you to. Do it because you really want to see better things happening in the world.
Fake it 'til you make it is ridiculous. Authenticity is easier to live with.